Diana Palazón: Setting a style beyond the spotlight

Sep 17, 2024
  • Diana, your name will always be linked to series like Al salir de clase and Hospital Central, both very different and playing very different characters. Tell us, what motivated you to dedicate yourself to acting?

My vocation was born when I was 8 years old, when I had my first contact with theatre classes at school, and I never stopped. From then on I knew I wanted to be an actress.

    • Following on from the previous question, you have played very varied characters throughout your career. Is there one that has left a special mark on you?

    All the characters give you a gift of something you hadn't seen in yourself, areas of being human that you hadn't considered until that moment or hadn't explored from your own personality. Each one of them has made me more complete, more open-minded, more tolerant. And the last one I'm playing is always the one that teaches me the most.

      • Speaking of fashion, how would you describe your personal style and what inspires you when choosing your outfits?

      I am a person who prioritizes well-being and comfort. I like natural fabrics, basic garments and also prints inspired by nature.

        • What exciting projects do you have on the horizon?

        I am currently immersed in the recording of a television series, about which I cannot comment any further because the promotion will begin in September.

        • Have you ever had any embarrassing experiences due to your choice of outfit?

        Heels are always embarrassing for me. They seem so uncomfortable and unnatural for my feet and my body posture that even though I wear them to events on occasion, I always find myself thinking: What am I doing in these? It's completely unnatural.


        • What is the oldest piece of clothing you have that you haven't thrown away yet?

        Until last year I still had the first skirt I bought with my first salary as an actress, in Valencia, when I was 18. It was a velvety party skirt. I gave it away just last year. But I still have a beach dress, which I inherited from my mother when I was old and which I still wear today. It must be about 40 years old!


        • What changes would you like to see in the fashion industry? Are you one of those who stop to analyze what you buy or are you carried away by fast fashion?

        I am beginning my transition towards a greater awareness in the world of fashion. It is more difficult than I thought, as there are still not as many alternatives as we would like. I try to invest in more durable garments, made from recycled fabrics, preferably organic, with the least possible impact on nature and that do not violate human rights or those of workers. This is what the fashion world must work on right now. A total commitment is needed from brands and governments. And for children there are even fewer alternatives.

        So no, I'm not carried away by fast fashion anymore.

        I also use the second-hand market, although there are brands that I do not buy even from this type of market due to their lack of ethics.

        • What do you wear, for example, to a rehearsal?

        Always very comfortable clothes, plain colors, as impersonal as possible to start building the character from a canvas that is as neutral as possible. They are usually clothes that I use from one project to another.

        • Weekend or vacation, do you prefer to drive or be driven?

        I like driving, but I like being driven too, to be honest. My partner and I usually do it half and half.


        • When you go on a trip, do you stay in a hotel or an apartment?

        I really like hotels, but since we spend the year going from one hotel to another on theatre tours, on holiday I usually choose an apartment, which allows me more freedom and the ability to cook there, which being a vegetarian is a point to take into account.